Chapter Four

On Long White Cloth

This is fish .......the smoked or the marinated

.........................swim to a mouth at the table;

oh bean ............oh taste grown in leaf-shade.

.........................Do I weep? No snow flakes' fluid

.........................or not, the white of this table cloth

.........................has handy offerings;

they wish become packed. The meal considers the messenger to take it home.

.........................Home is the house altar and the family;

.........................also my pet? ..................the small lion

.........................on the sofa stretches, does not know

Imperial Food but kindness .......and a sure estimation

.........................of what makes us stronger. Stomach

.........................and heart and purring: the conversation

.........................emancipates, takes a step forward

to comfort .......there it is lingering

........................the smell of spices pepper

...........................................around my altar

Proceed to Chapter Five .
